Melsmon for Skin Whitening and Rejuvenation Anti-Aging Anti-Wrinkle Lightening Pigmentation
Package details: Melsmon 50 vials X 2 ml each.
Active ingredient: human placenta hydrolysate, sodium hydroxide - to pH 7.0, water d / and less than 2 ml.
Side effects and contraindictaions: follow prescribed dosage. Keep out of reach of children in cool dru place. Allergy reactions possible.
Melsmon clinical studies: pro et contra
As a result of clinical studies, four large groups of medical effects of Melsmon were recognized.
An increase in oxygen absorption by tissues,
accelerated tissue regeneration,
an increase in working capacity and relieving fatigue,
an improvement in blood clotting.
Clinical trials of Melsmon revealed the main side effects of the drug. The researches have noticed rash and redness in 0.5-5% of cases. But a direct connection to the components of the medicine wasn't found. Allergic reactions also were not observed during the trials. But still, they are possible. And since anaphylactic shock may take place, the injections should be used with caution. In addition, there are contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Truth about Melsmon: "Miracle" elixir or Dummy?
Melsmon is a placental injection, very popular in Japan and in Asia. You can get genuine Japanese Melsmon in a number of countries where it is licensed. However, the information about this product can be misleading. Melsmon is widely perceived as a panacea. It is said to be able to treat oncology, diabetes, with a variety of other fatal diseases. This has no proved medical background! And it's very strange, since distributors in no country claim such fantastic effects of Melsmon. So, let's try to figure out what the Japanese Melsmon is really effective for and how it can be used in best way.
Whitening effects of Melsmon
Melsmon is very popular in Japan and Asia precisely because it helps to achieve the whitening effect of the skin in a very short time. In Asian countries, white skin has long been valued as a standard of beauty. Therefore, Melsmon has gained such popularity in this region.
Melsmon creates a particularly pronounced whitening effect of the skin, removes senile and dyshormonal pigment spots. This effect is achieved due to the marked recovery of epidermal cells. Thus, Melsmon from Japan allows to achieve a stable and long-lasting whitening effect of the skin due to the regulation of cellular metabolism.
Melsmon vs Menopause: Elixir of Life
Treatment for menopause is a proven medical function of the Japanese Melsmon. A comparative clinical test was held in Japan in 1980. As a result, 77.4% of women receiving Melsmon injections confirmed it was very effetive to both psychological and physical symtoms. While the control group receiving placebo couldn't boast with great results. Melsmon eliminates mood swings and normalizes blood pressure. Also, it eliminates headaches because headaches are often the consequence of blood pressure fluctuations.
Melsmon is effectively used for the prevention of menopause, as treatment of early menopause symptoms, and for the treatment of severe symptoms of menopause. But depending on the symptoms, the dosage and frequency of application of Melsmon from Japan are different.
Melsmon vs Age: Elixir of Youth
Melsmon from Japan is very effective for restoring strength and fighting everyday stress. It also normalizes the phases of sleep, giving the body an additional opportunity to recover and regenerate more efficiently. For scientifical explanation, please refer to the following study held on over 300 patients.
Kang-Kon Lee, Whan-Seok Choi Efficacy and Safety of Human Placental Extract Solution on Fatigue: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012; 2012: 130875. (accessible here).
Due to these effects of Melsmon, greater clarity of mind is achieved and work efficiency increases. You have more strength and time to live and create, to go further and live the life you want. Melsmon invigorates the body and spirit, enhances sexual desire and increases the body's immunity.
Major functions of Melsmon
Strengthens the function of internal organs and promotes cells' rejuvenation,
Stimulates haematopoietic function,
Restores the normal function for hormone production,
Enhances the growth of mammary gland,
Improves circulation of blood,
Accelerates skin regenerations after injuries.
Melsmon has significant visible whitening and firming effects on the skin.

Producto Nuevo Y Beat Laennec (placenta humana) -on Sale
Laennec (2ml*50amps) Human Placenta Whitening Anti-Aging Repair
Laennec Placenta
Placenta competitively inhibits melanin synthesis in the reaction of tyrosinase and L-DOPA by interrupting L-DOPA's ability to bind to tyrosinase during melanin synthesis. These results indicate that placenta inhibits the synthesis and agglutination of melanin by interrupting the function of L-DOPA.
Benefits of Laennec Human Placenta Whitening 50 оr 10 vials 2ml each - Sterile
- Placenta for Skin Whitening has Been Shown To Be Safe and Effective in Numerous Clinical Studies
- Laennec can cost $150 per vial at spas & clinics
- Contains 2ml of Sterile Human Placenta Which Has Been shown to Naturally Firm Whiten and Rejuvenate Skin
- Laennec by Japan Bio Products, Tokyo Japan is the Most Sought After Brand of Placenta
- Anti-Aging & cellular renewal
- Detoxifies and promotes cellular renewal
Human Placenta Hydrolysis - 2ml per vial
How to use :
1 vial two times weekly or as advised by your physician.
For maintenance use 1 vial every 10 to 15 days.
For IM administration please consult your physician.
As with all supplements pregnant and nursing mothers should consult their physician.
Dosage and administration:
For hepatic function, skin problems and health conditions:
The normal adult dose is 2ml subcutaneous or intramuscular injection once daily. According to symptoms, the dose can be increased to 2-3 times daily.
For Beauty and Anti aging purposes:
1-2 ampules three times a week for 1 month. Total of 24-50 vials to be used for optimal results.
The best anti-aging from japan.
Clinical Proven Effects:
- Restores youth quality (prevent ageing)
- Prevent the hardening of liver
- Prevent and improve of bloating, rashes, black spot and freckle
- Improve the effects of anemia
- Relieves the discomfort due to menopause
- Relieves diabetic condition
- Revitalize the body during illness and after recuperation
- Enhances the healing of skin membrane and wounds
- Relieves cold feet and piles, kidney ailment, hyertension, gum disease, constipation.
- Relieves the inflammation for stomach and duodenum
- Eliminates body odor
- Invigorates the body
- Improved sexual desire and prevent impotence
- Strengthen the body resistance against diseases